This is a really random post.........A few weekends ago I went to Bentonville to see my family. Lori was sitting on the couch playing on the computer and her friend Carly came over and said "Lori, who are you creepin on?" No wonder I'm so uncool with the kids at Godtalk, I don't know their lingo! Apparently this means to stalk people on Facebook (Slang words just keep on getting more creative these days!).
First, hats off to the people who created Facebook! I have reunited with people from my childhood that I would probably NEVER of come in contact with again. People seem to come out of the wood works and people ask you to be their “friend” and you don’t even know them. I suppose that Facebook is like a conversation. You can chime in when you want to or you can sit back and “creep” or you can bombard all of your “friends” with what you’re doing for the weekend. I may not interact with Suzy Q today but 5 months from now she may post something that I find interesting and I start to interact with her again.
Random thought….. Are there any benefits of having lots of friends on Facebook? Is it some kind of desire for popularity? If I don't interact with a “friend”, should I de-friend them? I guess the answer is NO because you can “creep” on them without them finding out any time you want! Very stalkerish don’t you think!
I really do enjoy getting on Facebook but there is one thing that just annoys me to death and is just silly! Anybody who has ever used Facebook is familiar with the status update application. Basically the status update allows users to put a brief message next to their name to let their friends know what they are up to. When you write something on your status update it appears on your friend’s Facebook homepage. For example if I were to write on my status “is going to Wal-Mart” it would appear on your homepage as “April is going to Wal-Mart.” Now why do people need to know my every move throughout my day? However, I do think its okay to post something every now and again, but there are people who change their status more than 5 times a day! It’s not necessary to know that you’re going to the bathroom people! I just saw the status update about the bathroom and it inspired me write about this on my blog!
April, I was reading status updates the other day and it said Just updated the blog. Now I blog stalk you. I thought that I would admit it since I added you to my blog list. I hope you don't mind. I love keeping up with people this way.
Mary Bost
Never mind, that was someone else who had the status update for their blog. I guess I was facebook checking on you. Ignore what I wrote... I feel like a creeper now. Anyway, I love keeping up with you through your blog.
Mary Bost (the Creep)
Hey girl! I don't mind you creepin at all :) Creep away! Your fam is so beautiful! I hope all is well and I will be keeping up with you too through your blog!
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