6 Weeks Old ~ November 28, 2011

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Turkey's Done!

I hope that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and ate a lot of delicious food like we did! We did two Thanksgivings so let's just say we are a few lbs heavier this week.  I have been super busy at work so I have not had time to blog. So sorry for all of you who keep up with me!  I just wanted to share a few photos from the Holiday weekend. Josh's parents family (both sides) did Thanksgiving lunch together so there were a TON of peeps!

The "Fisher" Family (Josh's Mom's Side)

The Matthew's Family (Josh's Dad's Side)

Preparing for "extra" seating...

Koen had to stay outside because there were too many people in the house. 
He was scolded by Aunt Sarah for being in the kitchen...I know Ko-Ko she's mean :)

The Matthews minus Koen

After lunch we headed to the large town of Star City for dinner at my grandmother's house.  We didn't take too many pics but I do have a couple of my "1st cousins once removed"....Luca and Alana are too cute!

Well Bowen HATES hats but he still is precious!

Miss Alana

Gifts from Memo :)

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